News & Blog

19 November 2012

«Ameria Russ», «Monini» and «Cirio» – participants of the charity Bazaar


«Ameria Russ», «Monini» and «Cirio» – participants of the charity Bazaar

19 November 2012


Once again, the Italian Women’s Association (ASI), under the auspices of the Italian Embassy in Moscow, organized a large charity Bazaar in the Residence of the Italian Embassy, ​​whose goal was to raise funds for orphans, disabled and homeless in the Moscow Region. The event was held on November 18, 2012.
This initiative is successfully repeated from year to year and aims to combine efforts in the field of social solidarity with the promotion and value added of Made in Italy products in Russia.
The company «Ameria Russ» has been participating in this event for several years and this time it has provided the products of Italian brands Monini and Cirio for sale. Participants of the Bazaar had the opportunity to purchase olive oil, aperitiny, balsamic vinegar Monini, as well as canned tomato of Cirio.


12 November 2012




12 November 2012


«Zhenskoe zdorov’e» Magazine (November 2012)


08 November 2012

Maxim’s tasting in the Azbuka Vkusa


Maxim’s tasting in the Azbuka Vkusa

08 November 2012


From November 9 to December 8, 2012, the tastings of French chocolate  Maxim’s will be held in the retail chain «Azbuka Vkusa». Every Friday and Saturday in the specified period, all visitors of the «Azbuka Vkusa» will be able to appreciate the delicious taste and quality of the products of the world-famous brand Maxim’s. In addition, buyers will be able to participate in a win-win lottery and win the main prize – a basket with Maxim’s products. A friendly caricature,  cheerful mime and graceful dancer, specially invited for our action, will cheer up those gloomy autumn days!

The next days of the action: December 7 from 16.00 to 20.00 and on December 8 from 12.00 to 17.00 in the shops of the  chain «Azbuka Vkusa» located at 34  Leninsky av and  2 Ostrovityanova str.

07 November 2012

Maxim’s in GUM!


Maxim’s in GUM!

07 November 2012


Now all visitors of GUM will be able to see the magnificent products of Maxim’s, strolling along the rows of the famous store! The motor scooter of GUM, loaded with original packages of the famous French brand, is installed on the territory of the shopping center opposite the entrance to the Gastronome No. 1.


07 November 2012

Monini and Bioitalia – winners of the Shape Awards 2012


Monini and Bioitalia – winners of the Shape Awards 2012

07 November 2012


According to the results of the vote Shape Awards 2012 on, in which participated more than 3000 readers of Shape magazines, the winners in the following nominations are:

The best pasta – Bioitalia, Spaghetti
The most healthy oil – Monini, Bios Extra Virgin.

30 October 2012

International Competition of Operetta artists


International Competition of Operetta artists

30 October 2012


On the basis of the results of the International Operetta Competition, the partner of which was the company Ameria Russ, on October 29, 2012 the Moscow Operetta Theater awarded the winners of the contest. The contestant who received the «Audience Choice Award» was presented with a large basket of products from the best European brands from the «Ameria Russ» assortment. Also, all participants of the contest were able to appreciate the excellent taste and unparalleled quality of Reber Mozart chocolate.