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BIO-XXI Gluten Free Quinoa Tabbouleh

BIO-XXI Gluten Free Quinoa Tabbouleh

Code: 1793005

Barcode: 7772501000867

Vendor cod: 233

Weight: 150

Packaging: carton

Packaged goods: 16

The place on a pallet: 70

Shelf life: 18

Production: CORONILLA S.A.

Country: Bolivia

Nutritional value: 1533 kJ

Caloric value: 367 kcal

Carbohydrates: 72,3

Proteins: 12,2

Fats: 3,2

% of humidity: 75


Quinoa flakes, onion, tomatoes, salt, chives, parsley, mint, black pepper, lemon, turmeric.


Крупы, макаронные изделия безглютеновые